Monday, May 28, 2012



Not only is this a day to remember and honor those who served their country in war and in peacetime, not only to remember those civilians who gave of themselves in support of military efforts, but this is also a good day to look back at where this nation was just 50 years ago and where it is today.  

This is an ideal time for us to contemplate what we have allowed to happen to our nation in those 50 years and to determine what steps we need to take as a nation to get our ship of state headed back in the right direction.  The real strength that is necessary to make the good things happen again lies only within us.  We can no longer trust those who have the power in Washington to further the journey that this country embarked upon 235 years ago.  

I have that strength.  Do you? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, Memorial Day 2012. 

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