Thursday, April 21, 2011



Obama has come out and said that you and I are trying to make the poor pay and go without assistance or charity because we want a balance budget and $6 trillion in deficit reductions over ten years.  He says we don't give enough to the poor and we don't care about them.  According to him, the deficit should be damned and let the country go over the cliff.  And we... you and I, will be the bad guys if we don't let that happen.  

This is just more condescending and insulting talk down.  You know, the guy has had his niceties.  He's gotten away with one helluva lot, including saddling this country with a health care plan it does not want.  He's the President who jacked up our national debt more in a year that all previous Presidents combined. 

Well, it's time the gloves come off; he's asked for it.   I don't care what color the guy is, he has no business calling ME a racist who doesn't give a damn about the poor.  I don't have to be politically correct with him anymore just because he is black; I can call a spade a spade, and pardon the play on words.  

Here's the President who said he had never heard of Tony Rezko; when proven otherwise, he said Rezko was just a casual acquaintance, but the hood Rezko helped him get into his house?  Here's the President who said he'd never heard of Bill Ayers, but Bill Ayers hosted his Senatorial election kickoff in his house, and Michelle had a relationship with Bernadette Dorn and Ayers.  Here's the flagrant liar who expects us to believe that he had his ears closed in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years.

And finally, here is the guy who claims he is a citizen of the United States and has at the same time spent millions of dollars in legal fees trying to prevent anyone from verifying that fact.  He won't even let a bi-partisan committee go down to Honolulu to verify his birth certificate and report back to the nation without producing the birth certificate.  What does that tell you?  Rezko, Ayers, Wright and birth certificate.... It all adds up to the same thing.  

So, while this guy cannot and will not prove to this nation that he is a citizen and entitled to be President under our Constitution, he has the gall  to run around pointing a finger of blame at me for wanting to resolve our debt crisis.  

I think not, Mr. President.  You, sir, are a jackass.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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