Monday, April 25, 2011



Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, tsunamis, hunger, war, pestilence and economic collapse; all of these ominous signs touted in The Bible as being signs of the end exist today, more than ever before.   And here we are, just about nineteen months before the Mayans and many other old religions predict the end will, in fact, occur, December 21, 2012. 

Perhaps, just perhaps, we should all pause for a moment, head for the bar and get a good, stiff drink because, if it is true, our I-Pods and androids will soon quit working.  Good God, man, do you realize that your laptop and TV could go on the fritz, too? 

One can conjure up scenarios likely to be the prelude to the actual final days, and we would be within the realm of possibility.  Suppose, for example, if that mealy mouthed Ahmadinejad decided to lob off a nuke missile or two toward Israel.  Or, maybe, one of the North Korean midgets fires one off at South Korea.  Either one of these possibilities could immediately touch off reactions by the United States, China, Russia… even that tin-horn from Venezuela could get his bowels in an uproar. 

Those scripts are all war routines, of course, but with things going the way they are in the Middle East, with the players behind the players, that tinder box could ignite into World War III in a heartbeat.  I think war is the biggest of possibilities to bring about the end of ends by December of next year.  I don’t see climate change affecting things that badly in that short a period of time, (sorry for the bad news, Al Gore).  A shortage of food? No.  Some plague?  Possibly: I hear of a dangerous flesh eating bacteria that no one is talking about. The bird flu might make an untimely comeback. What would happen right here in the U.S. if there was a big Al Gore - George Bush type election problem in November 2012: cries of racism, left-wing nuts, union thugs, radical Muslims rising up; Nancy Pelosi having a really queen-sized snit? 

The big question of the day is, “How do we prepare for December 21st while avoiding the danger of looking like a fool on December 22nd?”   

We could quietly start stockpiling food.  We could purchase an electrical standby generator.  We could buy some more guns and ammo.  We can do all of these things and more without tipping off our neighbors that we are preparing for the end.  The problem is, if we don’t encourage the neighbors to prepare as well, when the last day comes, we may have all of our neighbors parked in our yards looking for us to bail them out of their collective miseries. 

We can’t just bury our heads in the sand and assert that all of those ancient civilizations were full of el toro poopoo when they independently came up with December 21st as being the end of days, as we now know them, for mankind.  We simply have to do something. 

As for me, "Better make that a double, Bart, straight up, no ice."  

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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