Saturday, April 09, 2011


It just seems that there are so many things going on in the world that involve America; these are things that would test the mettle of even the best of Presidents, and here we are stuck with an Obama. 

There’s the horrible, horrible ongoing situation in Japan.  There’s Iraq and Afghanistan and now Libya, with events boiling over in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Pakistan and Jordan.  Then there is the growing program for nuclear weapons in Iran and, of course, North Korea.  Here at home, we have a struggling economy, high unemployment, massive debt, tons of housing foreclosures, escalating energy costs, illegal immigration issues and the threat of domestic terrorism. 

With all of these things being listed, it seems as if we have barely scratched the surface.  To make matters worse, we as a nation are now more attuned to what is going on with our country.  The major surprise of the day is that, faced with a tight and ominous deadline on the FY2011 budget, Obama did not take the day off and go play golf.   

It has become apparent that our President does not deal with such matters until his back is literally to the wall.  That fact drives most of us nuts.  He is not proactive, but he is not reactive either.  Perhaps the only thing that matters to him is his far left-wing agenda, an agenda currently on hold due to the many other interruptions.  Whatever it is, his perceived procrastination on so many matters of national and international urgency is causing other nations to wonder where America’s leadership has gone.    

Is America going to hell in a hand basket?  If so, what do we do about it?  

We are all so sick and tired of hearing, on a daily basis, what sad shapes our nation and the world are really in.  We are weary of hearing B.S. explanations and spins from the White House.  We've had it up to our necks with the Congressional carping and whining.  

Something has to give soon.  

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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