Saturday, March 05, 2011


Repealing the HealthCare Act would result in savings of $1.4 trillion, says a new report by the CBO. Democrats have crowed--wrongly--that repeal would add $210 billion to the deficit. They're counting cutting Medicare by half a trillion (good luck finding a doctor) and increasing taxes by $813 billion. Senate Democrats need a wake-up call.

This brings me to a point. Have you noticed that liberal Democrats don’t give a damn what the majority of Americans want? If they can’t get their own way legally and within the system, they’ll force their agenda on the rest of us through unethical and, often, illegal means.

The most recent demonstration of this principle is the situation in Wisconsin, where the majority of the legislature and the majority of the people want the union issues there resolved once a for all. 14 Democrats chose to try and assert their wills against the majority by leaving the state and breaking a quorum need to hold a vote on the issue. They intend to stay out of the state until they get their way and they don't care about any majority will of the people.  They should be totally ashamed of themselves.

Back on the health care plan issue, they lied to us, they manipulated us, they held closed door meetings, they obfuscated the facts in a 2,300 page bill, they threatened fellow members of Congress and they bought votes with our money… They did all of these things although the overwhelming majority of Americans were solidly against their plan. Now that the Courts seem to be ruling against them, they are dragging their feet in the appeals process while hoping to delay a Supreme Court hearing until after the 2012 elections or until after some conservative leaves the bench.

These people have the audacity to call themselves Americans. Where I come from, Americans obey the law. Americans go along with the will of the majority. Americans play the games by the rules. Americans work together to solve common problems.

These guys are definitely not Americans.

Those may sound like harsh words, but they are true. These people want to mold our country into something that it was never intended to be: a socialist state. They do not believe in a free and democratic society, they believe only in their own selfish and absolute rule. And I, for one, am sick and tired of their demeanor, their game playing, and their un-American activities.

We Americans need to stand together and put those un-American charlatans in their place.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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