Sunday, March 13, 2011



The Japanese nuclear plant tragedy is unfolding at lightening speed.  There many questions about what went wrong.  

The plant automatically scrambled and shut down when the quake hit.  But, it requires electrical power to operate pumps and other equipment.  It immediately should switch to drawing electricity from the grid, but the grid had no electricity, either.  So, it then goes to backup diesel generators that evidently did not work.  As a final measure, it should go to emergency batteries, but it didn't.  Why did all of this redundant safety backup fail?   

Why didn't they bring a naval ship in close to shore to supply emergency power to the plant?  Ship generators have the capability to supply power to small cities. 

Nuclear energy is safe, regardless of what we are seeing.  But, there are questions which need to be answered.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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