Saturday, March 26, 2011


Every day that goes by, events seem to be occurring that underscore Obama’s inability to deal with real issues. Is it possible that his far-left liberal socialist agenda, an agenda that seemed unstoppable just a year or so ago, has been side-tracked by the developments of the world?

In Korea, you have a tin-horned midget dictator thumbing his growing nuclear weapons nose at the United States and the rest of the world. In Iran, you have another tin-horned midget dictator who is not only thumbing his nuclear nose, but who also seems to be fostering violence and unrest throughout the Middle East. Obama has proven himself to be unequal to the task of dealing with either one of those tin-horns. 

Here at home, his sneaky and unscrupulous passage of his health care plan is now proving to be the disaster that it has been advertised to be, and he appears to be unable to rescue it. Haiti had a horrible earthquake that the Obama Administration has badly fumbled; his “success” there makes Bush’s Katrina look like child’s play.

He has been poignantly weak on the earthquake tragedies in New Zealand and Chile. Now, with a horrible catastrophe continuing to unravel in Japan, Obama seems barely able to even speak out on the problems. Here is a staunch American ally in Asia and he almost seems to be turning his back both on the calamity and on the human misery arising there.

The Middle East is more of a tinderbox right now than it has ever been in modern history. Obama flounders by refusing to help Egyptian rebels oust Mubarak, and then compounds his ineptness by committing U.S. forces to go into Libya without seeking the approval of Congress. Caught with his proverbial tits in a wringer, he moves first to turn over command of that operation to France or Britain so that he can take some heat off, and then turns it over to NATO in a last-ditch effort to save face. In his flustering, it evidently never occurred to him that Americans, knowing that NATO forces are commanded by a U.S. General, and that the U.S. has been the lead player in NATO since it was organized, would now point to his maneuvering as further example of his persisting deceits of our country's public.

From the start, Obama policies have been controversial and often impossible to carry out. The Guantanamo debacle, the “racist” policeman event that virtually inaugurated his Presidency, standing behind the New York Mosque, totally misrepresenting the success if his American Recovery Act, budgetary gaffes… All of these things add up, and Americans are taking notice as Obama’s popularity plummets.

When he started, he was unstoppable and able to surround himself with “Czars” under the direction to find ways to circumvent the Constitution and get his radical programs into action. His Rhambo sidekick threatened and coerced Democrats into passing highly unpopular legislation, and Obama almost made no attempt to hide it.

The problem is that, while we can say he is the worst of Presidents ever to occupy the White House, the nation and the world are in current deep trouble and we all need a leader, a good leader, to point the way and get us out of these messes. But, Obama is in a fantasy land where he thinks he’s still “cool.” He appears oblivious to the fact that he literally sucks and that Americans know it. He punctuates his ineptness by playing golf and going on a South American vacation while the rest of the world is in dangerous turmoil.

I honestly don’t know whether or not we can survive another mere 20 months of his Presidency. Considering what he has accomplished during his first 28 months at the helm, I wonder if there will be anything left of the world at the end of 2012.

Maybe the Mayans really did know what is coming.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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