Wednesday, March 16, 2011



There are two sides of the story in Japan that have gone largely unexplored in all of the rhetoric floating around. 

The one side is horribly ugly.  If you are lucky enough to be alive, do you feel the pain, the anguish, the wondering as to where your son, daughter, mother or brother is?  Where are you going to sleep tonight?  What about the simple question of food in your belly; where will you get it tonight, tomorrow or the day after?  Were you able to have your injuries attended to?  And what about the BIG question: Have you been contaminated with radiation and, if so, what will the effects be? 

Then there is the other side of the story.  This side is just as ugly, in its own way.  It's about you and me, sitting in our recliners with channel clicker in hand and snacks close by, watching all of this misery and suffering from afar, and wondering where the price of gas will be tomorrow and why we have to contend with a health care plan that we do not want. 

Ahh, yes... The poor, unfortunate Japs; please pass the popcorn. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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