Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Our individual rights, freedoms and liberties have never been under attack to the extent that the Obama Administration and its cohorts have been engaged in over the past two years. When you look back at what has happened, you cannot help but understand that the “regime” has been quietly setting itself up to be the oppressor against us, the oppressed.

In New York City, there was a community Orthodox Church badly damaged by 9/11 that has been trying desperately to get permission to rebuild ever since. On the other hand, you have a Muslim “Center” that has apparent radical connections and you have a Federal and City government bound and determined to let them build next to Ground Zero against the will of the people.

In two major Supreme Court decisions, it was affirmed that Americans have the right to own and bear arms; yet, the two cities most directly affected by those rulings, Washington D.C. and Chicago; both immediately enacted new laws to circumvent the rulings. In cities, counties and states around the country, new laws are being promulgated by the multitudes. Some are outlandish and ridiculous. Take for example, the proposed California law that would require that all guns stamp shell casings with an identification number when the gun is fired; will that stop gun crime by illegal gun owners? Never mind that the technology is not available except by one manufacturer; that fact would simply be another deterrent to gun ownership.

It is no secret that Obama has a vendetta against Fox News. The Administration has openly threatened Beck and his advertisers and it has derided O’Reilly and Hannity to no end; even Van Susteren has felt the heat. They have constantly been pushing the ideas of “Fair and Balanced” broadcasting that would require broadcasting companies to give equal time to opposing views. In this manner, if they put up a talk show host to counter Rush Limbaugh and no one will listen to the opposing view, Limbaugh has to come off the air. This whole scenario really tinkers with my right to listen to who I want to listen to and about what.

The new Health Care Plan is such an assault upon our individual liberties that, had it been put forth in the early days of this country, its authors would have been charged with sedition.

If we reelect those in Congress who support the Administration in these tactics, we are only providing them with the power and courage to continue. They must be stopped and it is up to us to do it.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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