Saturday, September 04, 2010


We are now down to the final 60 days of the 2010 off-year political season and it’s time we took stock of how we have been doing as Americans in paying attention to what has to be done for the future of our country.

I’ve been saying for months that we simply have to get the message to Washington that we are sick and tired of their lying, cheating, manipulating, spending, cavalier and irresponsible ways. We have had enough of their condescending attitudes, their name calling and talk downs. We still don’t want their health care plan that is going to add over $1 trillion to our national debt, raise our insurance premiums, lower our medical coverage and screw our seniors…. A bill that was passed, signed, sealed and delivered in the face of 75% opposition on the part of the citizens.

I pointed out that our problems have been created by all politicians, Republican, Libertarian, Independent and Democrat alike, but the attitude that created the atmosphere in which these misdeeds have been done has been festering around the halls of Washington for several decades. I advised that the “attitude” had become a “culture” in that it had morphed into being an acceptable way of “doing business as usual” in Washington. Then, I suggested that the only way to destroy this “culture” was to remove the incumbents… all of them.

Well, with just 60 days to go before the elections and now that most of the primaries are behind us, how have we done?

The fact is that incumbents have been falling like dominoes. Yes, far too many incumbents remain in the races as we head into November, but we have done a pretty fair job of eliminating a ton of them. By and large, those who remain ran in the primaries against other long-time career politicians who had also become tainted, to varying degrees, by the “culture of corruption.”

We now must begin to concentrate on the remaining task at hand, that of eliminating the remaining incumbents and seizing back the power of our nation’s government from the politicians in Washington and restoring that power to the states and to ourselves.

We can do this job; we have proven that we are up to the challenge. We have stood shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow, we have looked the enemy in the eye and we have prevailed. We can continue to learn, to educate ourselves on what is really wrong with our country, to speak out and challenge those who would have us all dry up and blow away… we can grind their misguided souls into submission and we can emerge from this process a stronger nation, ready to meet the challenges of our economy and getting people back to work, ready to repeal health care and to set our country onto a course of our choosing, not theirs.

We can, we must, we will.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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