Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Christine O’Donnell took on the political establishment in Delaware and, against all odds, she won. What’s that all about?

Americans are just as ticked off at establishment Republicans who have become part of the problem in Washington as they are at Democrats. For months now, I’ve been pointing out that corruption and cavalier attitudes in Congress transcends both parties, has become a “culture,” and that all longtime incumbents need to be removed.

The Delaware vote exemplified that.

The Republican Party doesn’t get the message. They’re just so beside themselves that O’Donnell picked off Mike Castle, one of their perennial cronies, that they have already announced they will not support her in the November elections.

All of which goes to underscore that, despite their pledges of learning their lesson and being better for America, the Republican Party is still full of assholes.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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