Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here we are, facing a President and a Congress who are collectively giving Americans “the bird.” For months, Democrats, Republicans, independents, blacks, whites, Native Americans, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Buddhists, liberals, conservatives, short people, fat people, tall people, thin people…. Citizens of all types and ages showed up at Town Hall meetings and made their displeasure with the proposed government-run health care system well known. Millions of emails, faxes and letters flooded Washington and hundreds of thousands traveled to Washington to demonstrate their positions against this “plan.”

The two Houses of Congress have each moved their versions of the plan, which has ballooned from 1,000 pages to 1,990, to their respective floors. While our President runs around shaking hands and promising that it’s a “done deal,” and “great for the country,” our Senate Majority Leader and House Speaker have both announced that they will pass their respective legislations within the week and that within a very short time after that, a compromise Bill will be passed for the President to sign.

Only 37% of Americans think “the plan” is a good idea. About 26% of Americans think the government is headed in the right direction. 59% of Americans want to replace their Congressional delegations. Yet, Obama, Reid and Pelosi continue to move their cram-down forward, seemingly oblivious to what America wants. Obviously, they have the power, and they intend to use it. So, shut up and get out of the way?

My fellow Americans, this is where the rubber meets the road. This is the true test of what you believe in and how willing you are to stand up for it. You can let these two-bit bastards, and that is basically what they are, run over your beliefs and pound your patriotism into the asphalt. Or, we can stand together, shoulder to shoulder, regardless of individual differences, and we can inundate them with faxes, emails, phone calls…. Whatever it takes to get them to listen to the message. They’ll probably turn off the Congressional email site again, but we can be heard.

I do not believe that any one faction of Americans has the power to rule over the rest. Members of Congress and occupants of the White House are in the clear minority. There are only about 700 of them and tens of millions of us. WE have the power. WE must stand up against this horrible travesty in the making. WE must seize back the reins of governance and WE must drive these calloused, insensitive pitiless idiots from office. We can’t wait until tomorrow or the next day… We need to stand together and do it now.

We cannot let them divide us by race, religion, politics, color, sex, or politics. We must not let them pit us against ourselves any longer. This is the time of reckoning. This is OUR country. This is OUR government. The scalawags must face the music.


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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