Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is the time in life when we all must face the fact that the rubber is meeting the road. Every dream that we have as Americans, every memory we have of our heritage, and every hope that we have for our children and their children is in our hands and the enemy within is trying savagely and desperately to snatch the ball from us and to create the fumble that will bury our way of life now and forever. Totalitarianism, dictatorship and Marxism are pounding on our doors and we, the real people, have to do something about it.

Inch by inch, freedom by freedom, they are stealing our country away from us. They deny us the right to speak openly and freely about matters that concern us. They shout us down and call us names when we voice our opinions. They steal away from us our rights to religious beliefs. They mislead and misrepresent the truth to us through misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. They tell us what to think and how to act and they call us names and talk down to us when we assert our American rights.

They would have us live in fear, afraid to walk on the streets. They allow thugs and thieves to stalk our parks, to rape our women and children, and to be turned loose upon us again because they interpret our laws they way they want them to read. They have corrupted our justice system and stolen our equality. They allow judges, politicians and government servants to be bribed and corrupted and they sneer at us when we question what they are doing to us.

They want to dictate to us what to eat, what car to drive, what doctor to see, how much we can weigh, what house we can own and whether or not we can buy a sports team. They are indoctrinating our children in our schools into their political ideologies and at our expense. They are engaged in taking our hard-earned money and giving it to those who sit on their duffs and acts as their androids.

Enough is truly enough. They have used our liberties and rights against us and they have almost defeated us. But, we are strong and determined that our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, both written and defended with the blood of our forefathers, shall prevail. We are Americans. We will rise to the challenges presented to us by the enemies within. We will stand together, shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow, Christians and Jews, Democrat and Republican, black and brown and white and native, Irish, English, Indian, Hispanic, Italian… We are Americans and we will not allow our dreams to die or our liberties to fade on this hour, day or year now or forever.

We will yell and scream and fight to our dying days… In the streets, in Town Halls, on the air, in the papers. We have the right to speak. We have the right to be heard. We have the right to determine our future and we have the right to eliminate from our midst those traitors to our country who would try to shut us up and get us out of the way. We can, we must and we shall prevail.

God Bless America! Let freedom ring!

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION. Let it be heard, loud and clear.

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