Saturday, October 10, 2009


I’ve been a registered Republican for 48 years. That doesn’t mean that I’ve always voted straight party lines; I’ve always voted for the best candidate, regardless of party. I’ve been registered as a Republican because that party has represented good, clean and conservative American values for much of that time. What I’ve seen in the last nine years, however, turns my stomach.

Now comes the inevitable plea from the RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, asking me to kick in some money. The letter is written along the lines of "we need your money so we can beat the nasty Democrats" in November of 2010. Well, that’s a nice cavalier attitude but, just what makes the damned Republicans think that they are so lilly pure right now? As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t shown me anything that can even begin to convince me that they, too, are not part of the growing problems in Washington:

  • Corruption
  • Lack of responsibility to constituents
  • Fiscal irresponsibility
  • Loss of fundamental American values
  • Lack of vision

In fact, the Bush Administration enjoyed a majority in Congress during its first four years and the only thing the Republicans accomplished was maintaining the status quo of the time: squabble, squawk, and screw. The Republicans deserved to lose the 2008 elections and, thanks to their track record, they managed to saddle us with such a far-left government that the country is in danger of being destroyed.

I do want to see a 100% change-out in Congress. I want every incumbent replaced, I don’t care what party they belong to. In my opinion, the only way we can scour out the imbedded cultures that are listed above is to get out the bleach and sanitize Congress. Every damned one of them has been in office long enough to be tainted by their surroundings to some extent. We can’t risk a regrowth of their current cancers upon our country.

The Republicans want, and expect, that I will pony up a contribution so they can beat the Democrats? For what reason? So that they can get back in charge and screw it all up again?

Republican National Committee: Take heed. We are tired of “business as usual” in Washington. We are tired of the lies, the deceits, and the continued failures to do your jobs.

Come up with a new, relevant and American platform. Put forth some new candidates who have not been in politics long enough to be part of the problems. State some patriotic conservative values that you intend to live by. Step up to the plate of American liberty, justice and responsibility to the American people. Get that done first… don’t show me promises, show me results.

Then and only then can you count on a donation from me.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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