Last Year's Predictions:
1. The Seattle Mariners will not win the World Series.
2. Americans will rise up against Obama.
3. Congress will not reduce the deficit or spending.
4. Nancy Pelosi will get a face lift.
5. Barack Obama will say it's time he turned his attention to jobs.
6. Iran will acquire a nuclear weapon and Israel will do something about it.
7. The stock market will crash.
8. Assad will flip Obama off again.
9. Bloomberg will announce he is going to run for the Presidency in 2016.
10. There will be a showdown over Benghazi.It looks to me as if I batted 60%. Now, for this year's predictions:
1. The Washington Redskins will not change their name.
2. Americans will rise up against Obama... again.
3. Congress will spend more than it did last year.
4. Nancy Pelosi will try to get a face life, but will find no surgeons willing to tackle the impossible.
5. Barack Obama will issue an Executive Order .
6. The Middle East will erupt in total war.
7. The stock market will crash.
8. Assad will flip Obama off... again.
9. Obama will sip a beer with Fidel Castro.
10. Hillary Clinton will announce she is not going to seek the Presidency.