Friday, September 21, 2018


Christine Blasey-Ford has blown all credibility.  She has proven herself to be nothing more than a narcissistic witch who, in concert with the Democrat Party, has conspired to tarnish the reputation of a Supreme Court nominee for political purposes and self-aggrandizement.  

She said she wanted to be anonymous and not to testify, so why did she send a letter to Feinstein?  Why did she hire an attorney and take a polygraph?  How and by whom did that letter get "leaked."  She then said she would be glad to testify and put forth the name of an individual who said that she had personal knowledge of the so-called assault and that it was "all over campus."  That person then withdrew her statement and vanished into the woodwork.   Why has the other "witness" to the event stated that the event never happened? 

Ford's attorney then demanded an FBI investigation and that witnesses be present.  Ford and her attorney declined to be interviewed in private, or to testify in open or closed hearings until their demands were met.  Senator Grassley gave them until Friday morning to agree to testify on Monday, or else.  Yesterday, she said she was willing to testify, but not on Monday because she was too busy doing other things.  Furthermore, any testimony arrangement would have to be deemed by Ford and her attorney to be "fair;" what the definition of "fair" is.... who knows?  

The Senate Judiciary Committee, Judge Kavanaugh and the American public are being played like a broken violin.  Feinstein needs to be censured and Ford needs to be placed in the category of being a shit disturber.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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