Wednesday, September 26, 2018


The Democrats have been pushed by a ticked-off America to include God as part of their platform over since the 2008 election cycle; they actually had voted against including God as part of their state platform.    That should be clue enough that they have lost all sense of morals, ethics, justice and propriety.  

Nevertheless, they aren't even the slightest bit embarrassed about their shoddy behavior and total lack of scruples.  They have no compunction about stepping right on out there and blatantly displaying their gutter principles and tactics.  If they can't have their own way, they will harass government officials in public, in restaurants. wherever.  

They don't give a damn who they ruin in the process.  

What they are doing with the Brett Kavanaugh family is nothing short of domestic terrorism.  As the direct result of vile Democrat abuse, that family now lives in fear of verbal and physical attack at every turn.  The Kavanaugh reputations will forever be questioned and most certainly be tarnished.  To prove my point, they just recently pointed to Clarence Thomas as being a sexual predator on te Supreme Court bench. 

People like Feinstein, Booker and Hirono need to be censured and held accountable for their outlandish, unethical and immoral acts. The entire membership of the Democrat Party needs to be chastised and shunned.  I frankly don't give a damned if every last one of them rots in hell.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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