Monday, September 24, 2018


If the Democrats are unable to prevent a vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination this week, their next move will be to have Ford file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in a Maryland court.  Although the alleged offense took place more than 36 years ago, there is no statute of limitations in Maryland; the Dems forecast that no Senate can vote to confirm a nominee who has an outstanding criminal charge against him, and that the resulting investigation could take months... even years, if they have their way.  

If, by any remote chance, that fails to stop a vote and Kavanaugh should be confirmed, they intend to file impeachment proceedings against him in order to prevent him from taking a seat on the Supreme Court.  And should they win the House and Senate back in November, they intend to impeach both Trump and Gorsuch.  

They don't give a damn what effect these immoral and unethical moves are having on the country.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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