Friday, June 01, 2018


When you have someone of high political and governmental power trying to subvert, destroy and remove the duly-elected President of the United States, you have a treasonous enemy on your hands.  

Follow with me for a moment.  Jeff Sessions was asked by President Trump to be his Attorney General.  Sessions had been very active in Trump's campaign and was prepared to give up his prized Senate seat to take the job.  Why would you do that?  Sessions had been around the Senate long enough to gain great power and position; the Department of Justice, on the other hand, was infested with corrupt criminal actors hellbent on supporting the election of Hillary Clinton... and destroying Donald Trump after he won the election.  

That would be a helluva job for anyone to take, but Sessions readily took it and gave up his prestigious Senate powers.  

When you go back and look at Sessions' voting record in Congress, you see that he was anything but a conservative.  In fact, his record shows him to be a member of the "Good Old Boy" network commonly referred to as "The Establishment."  By accepting the A.G. nomination, that  put him in the position of being able to control subsequent investigations into political corruption...namely at the Department of State, Department of Justice and the FBI.  He would become a formidable block wall against getting at the truth, while at the same time a prime instrument in initiating the investigation into "Russian Collusion."  In short, that would make him a political operative... the point man... of the Democrats and the RINO's.     

So it was that Sessions didn't bother to tell President Trump that he was going to recuse himself.  And, so it is that Sessions hasn't ordered the DOJ or the FBI to produce documents requested by Congressional investigators.  So it is that he allowed Rosenstein to create a Special Counsel to investigate the Russian thing, but adamantly refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the Clinton campaign or her emails or foundation...  and the FBI involvement therein.  

And so it is that Sessions, faced with Trump's ire and disgust, refuses to resign.  He has a job to do... for Obama and for the "establishment,"  but not for the duly-elected President of the United States or the best interests of America.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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