Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I can't believe it, but it came... and went... without fanfare.  After so many missed deadlines to comply with various and numerous House subpoenas, Devin Nunes set yet another deadline for Monday at 5:00 PM and the Department of Justice replied with a memo that said, essentially, "up yours, we've given you all you're going to get." 

And despite all of the bluster, rants and rumblings from a House that has been unable to get what it wants and needs for well over a year... rumblings of contempt citations and impeachment proceedings... yesterday, the House was ominously silent. 

Let's be honest: All of the evidence points to the fact that nobody in Congress, whether Republican or Democrat... wants the American public to have disclosure about what went on with Clinton, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, spies in the Trump campaign, the "dossier," the Russian "collusion" or anything else involving crime and corruption at the highest levels of our government. 

The time for the wringing of hands and broken promises to America will end in November when we, the people, remove them all from office.  

Every last one of them.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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