Monday, June 04, 2018


California is disintegrating into pure fascism and oblivion as the radical left-wing liberals maintain their iron-clad grip on the Golden State.  Now, for the first time in many, many years... the citizen inhabitants have the ability to rid themselves of this pestilence.  Tomorrow, voters have the ability to take out many, if not most, of the incumbent lunatics ruling the State.  

The problem is that one helluva lot of really good Americans have already left the State and countless thousands of illegals are now poised to vote for more of left-wing ideology.  These facts make it even more critical that every single voting citizen who is fed up with the status quo shows up to vote at the polls tomorrow.  We can take out a large chunk of the loony birds right now in the primaries. 

This is a call for every good person who is sick and tired of the BS to show up and vote accordingly tomorrow, June 5th.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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