Friday, February 09, 2018


What if Hillary had won in 2016?  

Let's see... Taxes would be up, wages would be down, the economy would be in the toilet and all illegals would now be citizens.  Comey would still be at the FBI and Lynch would still be in the Justice Department.  We would never have heard the names Page, Wray or Strzok.  The Russians would own 40% of our uranium and Bill would be making $1 million for speeches.  Kerry would be vice president and Susan Rice would be Secretary of State.  And, of course, Barack Obama would be on the Supreme Court in the seat now held by Neil Gorsuch. 

North Korea and Iran would have their nukes, Putin would be giving orders to Hillary and China would control the South China Sea.  Drugs would be surging across our southern borders, ISIS would be ruling Iraq and Afghanistan and MS-13 would be ruling our streets.  

And all of those left-winger Hollywood types would not have been forced to renege on their promises to move to Canada.  

Wouldn't life be so much better?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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