Monday, February 26, 2018


Anti-gunner socialists are just fine with the way the Parkland, Florida school shooting turned out.  They're perfectly okay with the fact that no one in the school had a gun or the training to counteract Cruz.  

You can tell that by the fact that they are not screaming bloody murder over the four cops who hid outside while the shootings were going on.  The media, to the contrary, seems to be covering it up; they're downplaying that sad fact and instead, climbing on the "Blame the NRA" bandwagon.  None of them want school teachers or staff members to be armed and trained.  

Obviously, they would prefer to seize guns from legal and responsible gun owners than to defend their school children from sick, psychotic and evil criminals.  They don't even want your children to pray while they're being shot, because they're in a public school!   

And, you'd damned-well better make sure your kids attend school, danger or not; otherwise, you're going to go to jail for being an unfit parent.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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