Wednesday, February 14, 2018



As I write this, the dust has not settled on the Florida High School shooting.  I'm damned angry.  I'm angry because this and other recent shootings might well have been prevented if we had not set up the scenes to make them into shooting arcades for deranged gunmen and terrorists who want to wreak havoc and death for whatever reason.  

You can argue gun control; indeed, the scene was still an active crime scene when gun control advocates started pointing their bony fingers at me and countless other law-abiding gun owners across the country.  But, I submit to you that it was against the law for the shooter to have a gun... any gun... on that campus.  Yet, he did and making guns illegal would not change a thing; he'd still have found a gun and it would still be illegal.  

There are then the arguments that we need to chase the terrorists out of the country, that we need to identify some social issues in our society or that we need to be more aware of those around us who are not acting "quite right."  I agree with all of those sentiments.  Yet, we've been at this problem for well over a decade and not one step has been taken, such as forming a commission to look into what the actual causes are and how to mitigate them.  When will we start?  

 Let's talk about the Vegas shooter.  There he was, armed to the teeth, in a high perch overseeing all of his potential victims, most of whom had no idea where he was shooting from; virtually none of them were carrying any kind of weapon with which to defend themselves.  Take the schools: most school systems and states ban students from carrying weapons, and they also ban teachers, counselors and other employees as well.  So, the students, like the concert goers in Vegas, become sitting ducks in a horrible arcade game.  

Think about this: had there been 30 or so teachers and other school employees with concealed guns and training in how to deal with mass shootings in a school setting, why would any potential shooter walk into in that situation in the first place; and if he did, would the carnage have been as bad as it was in Florida?  I'm inclined to wonder if the only reason such a preventative move has not already been done is that gun control activists actually want the massacres to continue until we agree to repeal the Second Amendment. 

Knowing that things are not changing, are you willing to send your kids off to school tomorrow morning, and every morning for the next ten years while the politicians talk about it?  

If you think that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will make the violence stop, you're dumber than a post.  Let's quit being dumb and start being smart and let's level the shooting field.  Let's demand that school employees with concealed weapons permits and training be allowed to carry on campus.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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