Friday, February 23, 2018


Mass shootings at schools, churches and other "no guns" venues has to stop.  Shootings of cops has to stop.  There is no one in the NRA who doesn't agree with the rest of the country that these things have to stop.  

The other side of the story, that the left-wing socialists and Democrats in the country want to abolish the Second Amendment and totally get rid of guns in this country, is also true... but we all know that such an event would only leave the criminals and terrorists totally in charge of our destinies.  

Nevertheless, the common denominator between the NRA membership and the anti-gunners is that we both desperately want gun violence to stop.  The nation in its entirety, as a whole, needs to come to grips with the problem and solve it.  There is absolutely no reason why law-abiding citizens should have to give up their Second Amendment rights in the process.  They are not the ones to blame here. 

So, how do we deal with the ones who are to blame?  That is the question which both the NRA and the rest of Americans need to deal with.  Why can't we all sit down at the table, cut out the name calling, and solve it?  Don't be afraid of the issue; look it straight in the eye and find a way to come together and solve it. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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