Friday, December 23, 2016



It was all set in stone: Between the City of Charlotte and the North Carolina State Legislature, the much contested anti-LGBT bathroom law was going to be repealed Wednesday.  The law stipulates that transgenders must use the restrooms of the sex indicated on their driver license or identification.  But the spirit of the Christmas Season got totally buried in the vile muck of left-wing battle cries and legislators couldn't agree on a plan to the repeal the measure, a sign of the bitter political divide within the state.  

Republicans have defended last-minute additional, non-discriminatory bathroom provisions as providing privacy and safety by keeping men out of women's restrooms.  

So, Santa may be late this year; if he has to go pee along the way, he may get hung up in Charlotte while trying to decide which bathroom to use.  The grinch, on the other hand, is laughing his fanny off.  

Try to have a Merry Christmas anyway and I'll see you Tuesday.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  Ho, ho, ho.  

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