Tuesday, October 11, 2016



Well, there are these new opprobrious Wiki-Leaks emails floating around from John Podesta talking about how to scuttle Bernie Sanders' primary candidacy and evidently involving Hillary in the process.  There are also emails floating around about how Hillary tells us one thing and tells Wall Street something else entirely... and brags about it.  So, Hillary and her fellow thugs come out with allegations that the Russians have been doing the hacking, insinuating that Trump is somehow involved. 

They further allege the material "could have been altered" to make them look bad.  Well, why doesn't the Clinton campaign simply release Hillary's original Wall Street speeches and Podesta's original emails and let us see for ourselves who said what?  Their response: No way Jose, we're not releasing our documents.  

It's kind of like... when Trump nailed her during the debate about shredding 33,000 emails after they were subpoenaed, she got this hilarious smile and... abruptly changed the subject.  

And the press goes along with this horseshit.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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