Friday, October 14, 2016



Supposedly, a journalist is someone whose job is to report the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio program, or television program.  Nowhere in any definition of the word is a journalist considered to be a maker of the news; he reports it; he/she investigates and describes events and facts, or edits news stories.  

These days, reporters and  journalists seem to be confined to being propaganda arms of the ultra-liberal left wing political establishment.  They no longer report, they spin and even manufacture news to fit their agendas and the agendas of their political masters.  For example, the New York Times previously "reported" that Donald Trump was involved in inappropriate conduct with one Brewer Lane; she immediately went public and discounted the "report" and the New York Times had to retract the story.  

But, that didn't stop their agenda.  They have continually been at the forefront of anti-Trump rhetoric bordering on the verge of slander and now... they've come forth with new allegations that Trump has been groping women.  Since this comes on the heels of the release of a vulgar tape obtained under spurious circumstances,  it would appear that there is a last-minute coordinated effort by the press and the media to sandbag Trump on the eve of the presidential election.  Trump is filing suit against the Times for slander.  

The left-wing press and media "report" these fabrications as being authentic news stories, but openly and flagrantly refuse to report to the American public the abuses of power, the truth of email misdoings, the corruption at the State and Justice Departments... they refuse to investigate and report on the most serious allegations of all, that Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation as a conduit to obtain money for her personal gain while issuing contracts and favors on behalf of the United States Government to those crossed her palms with tons and tons of illicit money.  

Certainly, there must be a reputable and honest journalist out there in some far corner of the land; but, we are told that "news" organizations have admonished their staffs to dump Trump, or else face the consequences.  So, whoever is honest and reputable out there has sold his/her eternal being in order to keep his dirty wages.  And it's not just Clinton they've covered for... it's Lynch, Holder, Kerry, Obama, Comey and more... it's an anti-American agenda.  The same goes for the F.B.I.. agents who grumble and groan about Comey's cover-up for Clinton, but lack the American courage to stand up and say it in public.  

The "reporters" of the day dishonor the definition of the word and their country.  In short, they are the true bastards, epitomes of totalitarianism gone wild.  May God have no mercy on their poor, tormented, sad, sick souls. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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