Thursday, September 15, 2016



Hillary Clinton's "Pay to Play" scheme involving the Clinton Foundation and the State Department stinks badly enough.  You make a donation to the Foundation, you get a meeting with Hillary, the government pays out some enormous benefit to you and Hillary siphons off a large portion, if not all, of the donation to the Clinton Foundation.  Additionally, Bill may get a huge speaking fee in the process.  

That appears to be just the tip of the iceberg.  

New hacked documents leaked by Guccifer regarding the Democratic National Committee appear to show an even more sinister and far-reaching scheme.  You fork over contributions to the DNC and get rewarded by the government, which names you to some high-profile job, such as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom... a job forked over to Matthew Barzun after he donated $3.5 million.  One list shows 57 donors of similar amounts getting top jobs in the Obama administration.  What happened to the money after it ended up in DNC coffers is anybody's guess.  

The reaction of the DNC to this story sounds like squeals from a pig farm after the mud runs dry. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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