Friday, September 30, 2016



We have a Supreme Court that makes law instead of interpreting law that Congress is supposed to be making.  We have a president who is also making law and ignoring what laws Congress does pass.  We have a Congress that lets the Court and the White House do what ever they want.  All three are corrupt as hell, in bed with lobbyists, corporate interests, the rich folks and George Soros.  

Our chief legal officers, the Attorney General and the Director of the F.B.I., refuse to do the jobs they took an oath to do, and both are in bed with the politicians.  In fact, when caught in their mutual dereliction of duty, they just smile and you and pat you on the head.  If you rain on them, they get their backs up, claim you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and that they are angels, saving America.  

We have a presidential candidate who is up to her earlobes in scandal and illegal activity, smiling and winking because she knows she is going to get away with it.  And we have a press and media that has become her propaganda arm, covering for her and promoting her selfish interests at every turn.  

Is it too late?  Have we already been had?  Is our democracy and our free way of life now gone forever?  

Are we just going to sit here and let it happen?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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