Tuesday, September 20, 2016



I've heard enough of this "Don't be afraid of terrorism" bull.  We have every right to fear terrorism.  We've seen for ourselves its deadly impact... maiming and killing the innocent.  And it is spreading its bloody tentacles all of the way around the country while the impotent chief cretin in the White House can only continue to espouse the philosophy that if we're afraid, we're giving them what they want.  

He sure as hell shows absolutely no signs of doing anything about it. 

From what I've seen, they don't care whether we're afraid or not.  They don't ask whether you're afraid, they just kill you anyway.  They might ask if you're a Muslim, but they generally don't even bother to ask any questions at all; they just start indiscriminately shooting, stabbing or bombing.   

Well, I'm not afraid to die, because that is eventually going to happen anyway, I think.  But, I don't want to spend years in pain filled with shrapnel, that's for sure.  

So, I am afraid... And, because this Muslim sympathizer in the White House can do nothing about it except give lip service, I'm even more afraid.  Trump is correct... we have no business allowing in more Muslims until we know who they are and what their intentions are.  This business of bringing in another 110,000 of them before the end of the year, and Clinton's planning to go for 500,000 more on top of that... has to be stopped and stopped now.   

Those imbeciles in Congress aren't doing anything about it, either.  The day has come when we should be showing up on the White House and Congressional steps and raising holy hell.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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