Thursday, October 15, 2015



Although most Americans didn't think it was possible, things are getting more dangerous and ugly in the Middle East by the hour.  For one thing, we are now at war against Russia, whether Obama admits it or not.  

We have been supporting the rebels in Syria.  Russia is now supporting Assad in Syria and is bombing rebel strongholds.  So there we are, in a quagmire that is likely to turn nasty in a split-second.  In the meanwhile, Iran is fomenting a Palestinian uprising against Israel, ISIS is targeting Turkey and Iraq has destabilized to the point of imminent self-destruction.  

And Obama, ever the consummate community organizer, has removed all aircraft carriers from the region and is contemplating removing troops from Afghanistan.  

Frankly, I'm scared as hell.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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