Saturday, October 17, 2015


Russia, "the bear," is now firmly entrenched in the Middle East... the lands of David, Joseph, Solomon and Ezekiel.  The world is armed to the hilt, the dialogue is inflammatory and, ominously, no voices of reason shout out for this insanity to end. 

It could be that we have nothing to worry about.  After all, the Bible was written long before America was discovered, so how could its prophecies possibly affect us?  

Maybe Obama is right... maybe we should get out of the Middle East altogether and let them have their Armageddon.  Then, Obama can hop onto his ass, (the Democratic Party???), and ride into the future as the Messiah of the "Second Coming;"  I'm sure Obama would prefer to imagine it that way.  

Has the United States, with its intrusion into the Middle East and its subsequent withdrawal, unwittingly set the stage for the onset of "The Final Days?"  And if so, will that catastrophe be confined to that continent?  

Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are all building up their armies and their military technology, while ours has dramatically begun to lag.  China, while remaining very quiet about what is going on in the Middle East, is building massive military structures in the South China Seas while it advances its technology at an alarming pace; it may even surpass U.S. capabilities to wage war via satellites and drones by the end of the decade.  

How long will it be before someone shoots off a nuke?  And after they do... then what?  

These are truly dangerous times and we cannot afford the luxury of ignorance; we simply must become informed and participate actively in the important and foreboding decisions of the day.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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