Friday, October 16, 2015



Barack Hussein Obama, in dismissing ISIS, Russia, Syria, the Middle East, and the economy, said over the weekend that the number one threat facing the United States is global warming; the results of a recent Chapman University poll disagrees with that.  

Of over 1,500 respondents: 
The number one fear for Americans at 58% is... government corruption.  36.5% fear gun control, 35.7% fear ObamaCare, 33.6% fear a nuclear attack and 30.7% fear global warming.  After all, what would you rather be struck with: a nuclear bomb or a hot day?  

Have you noticed that Obama has switched tactics?  It used to be that everything wrong in the country could be blamed on Bush.  Now, it's global warming.  

I would highly recommend that Obama seek psychological counseling, but I sincerely doubt that there is a reputable psychiatrist in the entire world who would accept the challenge.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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