Saturday, March 29, 2014


The House of Representatives displays indignation because the I.R.S. has been refusing for over a year to comply with a subpoena for emails and other documents, particularly from Lois Lerner.  Well, let me ask a question: just how successful has the House been in getting information about Fast & Furious?  Benghazi?  I can add a few more, but how much more evidence does the House need to realize that this President and his Administration are only going to respond with an "up yours?"  

Get a grip, Boehner, Issa, Gowdy etc.  Reality is slapping you in the face: It doesn't matter what the law is and it doesn't matter what the Constitution prescribes, you're not going to get spit.  If you really, truly want to get anywhere on your quests, you have no choice but to file Articles of Impeachment.  No other course of action is going to produce results because you're not dealing with an American President; you're dealing with a socialist dictator.  

Period, as Obama says. 

Unless you understand the facts and act accordingly, I predict that on the day Obama leaves office you're still going to be huffing and puffing and trying to blow the White House down. Now, are you Members of Congress really and truly patriotic Americans, or not? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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