Saturday, December 21, 2013


It’s time for another laundry list of short shots, always pertinent and certainly politically correct. 

It’s entirely possible, all things considered, that the industry will deliver a stocking stuffed with lumps of coal to Hawaii for Obama’s Christmas present. 

Nancy Pelosi is now almost four years in the “fog of controversy.”  There’s no truth to the rumor that she’s signed up for ObamaCare, probably because she’s not yet read the bill she voted to pass… which, in her case, is similar to passing gas commonly referred to as a fart in a whirlwind.    

My pal John McCain reportedly told America’s pal Harry Reid that he was going to “beat the crap out of him” over Reid’s invoking the “nuclear option” in the Senate.  Now, I’d pay good money to see that.  Maybe they could duke it out at Tonopah, Nevada’s Mizpah Hotel, where the story goes that Jack Dempsey won a major prize fight there.  The truth is that Dempsey never fought there, although there were prize fights in Tonopah.  So, that story is just as full of hot air as McCain and Reid, but it’d still be a good fight.  Maybe we could get a Tea Party to sponsor it. 

When is Obama going to sign up for ObamaCare?  Yeah, I know: dumb question. 

If you’re sitting in front of your computer reading this, remember that N.S.A. could be watching you through your webcam.  Now, the liberals are blaming Edward Snowden, as if to say that if Snowden hadn’t spilled the beans the N.S.A. would NOT be watching you.  I always hang a picture of Alfred E. Neuman in front of MY webcam…

The government spent well over $37 billion on foreign aid and just trimmed military pay increases and Veteran’s benefits.  So, why does Brazil rate higher than our own military? 

So here it is as I write this, the 19th of December and there are only a few days left in the year; once you deduct the holidays, it’s very few.  So His Holiness Obama edicts that insurance companies can issue “bare bones” insurance policies to those who lost their insurance due to the onset of ObamaCare… almost 7 million people.  Now, what companies can possibly design such a policy, get it approved by their state insurance commissions, and offer it to the unfortunates before the end of the year?  I’d call Obama a jackass, but I don’t want to denigrate the poor animals.  Thank God the day has come when Americans can read right through him.  

40 million shoppers at Target have had their credit cards compromised.  I don’t know why everyone is raising a ruckus over that.  How many millions of Americans can lose their identity and confidential health and financial information through the ObamaCare website?  Oh, I’m a racist for mentioning it, right? 

DUCK DYNASTY may duck out.  When it comes to A&E, I’m ducking out; those A&E guys are not quacked up to be what they’d like you to believe they are. 

Why doesn’t some enterprising soul start a cable channel that represents family values, honest and unbiased news reporting and solid investigative journalism reminiscent of the Drew Pearson days?  Well, outside of Hobby Lobby and Ivory Snow, there are probably no advertisers out there willing to support such a network. 

One thing about future Presidents: They can always, forever, claim that they were not the worst President this country has ever had.  (Sorry, Mr. Carter, you’ve been bumped to second place,).  It seems to me that this country is going to pot, in more ways than one. 

How any of you folks out there would vote for Obama again?  Don’t be embarrassed… there’s no reason to hide under your bed.  We know who you are…

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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