Saturday, December 07, 2013


First off, sorry I missed yesterday but... It was all I could do to sit in front of the computer.  I know I'm not on salary or anything and can have my days off whenever I want, but I have a lot of loyal readers out there and I feel badly when I can't perform... even outside of the bedroom.  

Most of you have heard of Pearl, but few of you really appreciate who she once was and who she is today.  Back on the morning of December 7, 1941 she was the jewel of the Pacific Ocean, the home of the Pacific Fleet and the center for all military activity in and around the Pacific.  By the time the morning was over, she was a huge pile of burning and useless rubble.  It was kind of like 9/11... a day that will live in infamy, as Barack Obama would say.    

America was shocked into the realization that any country in the world would have the sheer audacity to attack us.  After all, we were the United States, invincible with bombs and ammo ready for all.  But, it happened.  The country pulled itself together, fixed poor Pearl up and headed off to win World War II.  Today, Pearl is back to her shiny self and is truly the jewel of the Pacific once again. 

Then, 9/ll came along and we were shocked out of our britches again to think that any country, let alone any group of bedraggled terrorists, might have that sheer audacity to attack us.  Down came the World Trade Center,  injured was the Pentagon and America was off to war again.  I don't know that we ever won this war; we didn't lose it.  But, the Pentagon has long since been repaired and the new World Trade Center is nearly completed. 

These two savage and unprovoked attacks both were launched from outside our country.  The next attack, and there will be one, is likely to come from inside our country.  We've allowed just about anybody who wants in to get in, including drug cartel members and Jihadists.  We have had virtually no selection process involved and have basically left our borders unattended and open.  As a result, we really don't know anymore if the guy next door is an enemy or not.  

Let us not forget the lessons that Pearl taught us.  We are vulnerable.  To a large extent,our complacency leaves us sitting like a duck in the middle of a world that hates us. 

The next time you are out for a drink, buy one for good old Pearl down at the other end of the bar, will ya?  Sidle on up to her and take a listen... she has a lot of lessons to teach.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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