Saturday, December 28, 2013


Here I squat in front of the keyboard, intent on writing the year's biggest philosophical post and I find myself perplexed.  It's not writer's block... It's disgust. 

I can't think of one piece of good news that we got last year, unless you want to count the intervention of Putin into Obama's Syria debacle as being good news.  And the bad news permeated every realm... entertainment, foreign relations, health care, national security, finances, justice, religion... 

People continually ask, "When is Jesus going to return?"  Who in His right mind would want to leave the beauty of heaven and come back to this mess?   If there are really all of those millions of solar systems out there supporting life, and 1% or 2% of them are in the same world of hurts we are in, Jesus has probably been locked up in a psycho ward someplace... maybe in the constellation of Orion. 

We have arrived at the abyss.  We stand on the verge of World War III.  Our economies are close to collapse.  Nations are governed by those who are corrupt.  Religion is barely treading water, unless you are an Islamic extremist.  I could go on for hours in this vein, but is anyone out there listening to what I'm saying here?

This year was worse than last; that year was worse that its predecessor.  Things on this planet have been getting progressively worse each year for decades.  If next year is to be worse than this year, just what horrors are we in store for?  

As for New Years' resolutions, I had thought about quitting drinking.  Now that I'm nearing the finish of this post, I can see that resolution doesn't stand a chance of being kept. 

Maybe I'll start by cleaning my guns and buying some more ammo. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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