Monday, December 30, 2013



Everything that is wrong with this country today can be attributed to two things: (1) the Progressives and (2) the "Establishment."  Essentially, they go hand-in-hand.  

They're the ones who have been in charge and presided over the debacle of declining American prominence and democracy ever since Ronald Reagan left office.  They are mostly Democrats with a growing number of Republicans, elitists if you will.  They think you and I have abrogated our positions as citizens and that we have ceded over our Constitutional powers to them.  They plan to cement their "authorities" and positions and lead us fully into the path of socialism and they are of the opinion that we cannot stop them.  

They are the people who have been in the saddle in Washington for so long that they believe they are God's gift to the leadership of the nation.  They do not listen to you unless you are one of them.  If you disagree, you get marginalized.  If you start to grow your own power base, they cut your legs out from underneath you.  Just ask Herman Cain or Mike Huckabee about these dudes.  

These are the people who determined that John McCain and Mitt Romney should run against Obama and then set out to cut the legs out from underneath anyone else who started to gather a little steam in the primaries.  These are the people who got ObamaCare passed, and the so-called "stimulus" and bailouts.  These are the people who are facilitating the N.S.A. domestic spy program, the I.R.S. attack on conservative and religious organizations and the Benghazi cover-up.  They are all complicit with their "smoke and mirrors" and "shadow government."  

They are destroying our country from within, fulfilling Krushchev's prediction. 

When we stand up, and stand up we must and get started on routing out the Progressive Establishment, we have to be careful not to choose candidates who are equally progressive.  I think we would be wise to concentrate on electing people who have little or no experience in politics; I don't know of any better way to dig the corruption out of Washington and to return the power of government to the people.  

One thing is for certain: incumbents need to ship up or let us ship them out.  The "old guard" has to be extricated from its entrenched encampments.  Let's all head on down to the feed stores and buy up some cattle prods to get this show on the road.  Let us all be steadfast and righteous in our goals and purpose.  

Illegitimi non carborundum.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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