Friday, November 15, 2013



He's going to direct insurance companies to "consider" allowing you to have your old policies if you want them for "another year."  This is no damned fix; it's just another damned lie. 

Let's start at the top.  Insurance companies are regulated by every state.  When they make changes to the policies they offer, they have to provide actuarial figures to the state commissioners to show how those changes are going to affect their incomes and abilities to pay out in the event of claims.  If they are going to change back and cancel your cancellations, they are going to have to go through the same hoops.  This is not going to happen by any President waving his magic wand and ordering it to happen tomorrow.  

He has no legal authority to tell insurance companies, or states, to do anything.  Period.  

He had to slip in that glib caveat... I think he only mentioned it once and you could barely hear it... "for a year."  Next year, that plan you like is going to be gone again, whether you like it or not.   And those businesses which have been granted a one-year extension by "executive decree" and in violation of the same damned law he wrote, will also be faced with cancellation notices for their employee group policies and the numbers of uninsured could rise as high as 100 million and you will have no choice but to go on ObamaCare.  

Since he depended on the revenues coming into ObamaCare from those of you who got your cancellation notices, (which he knew all along were coming),  and that revenue will not now be there, who is going to make up for it?  Hold on to your wallets, folks; premiums are going to go up more and so are taxes.  

So, it's all just another damned lie, isn't it?  

Any Congressman or Senator who buys into this new lie deserves to have his or her head handed to them on a tin platter in 2014.  When are we going to get smart and run this lying, corrupt Chicago-style flimflammer out of the White House?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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