Saturday, November 23, 2013


When ObamaCare was passed in 2010, it was passed strictly along party lines after lies were told, manipulations made, and false promises made.  It was passed with calloused disregard of the fact that 70% of Americans at the time were against it.  

Thursday was deja vu all over again in the United States Senate.  Senator Reid lead another power grab in the middle of lies, deceptions and in the face of 225 years of Cngressional history against it, and changed Senate rules about voting for confirmation of certain Executive appointments.  The rule has stated that 60 votes in the Senate are required for confirmation.  How you can have a vote on this issue and get it legally passed by only a 52-48 vote margin defies my imagination.  But, they did it and the new rule says only 51 votes are needed to confirm. 

That is a violation f every principle of democracy I have ever learned.  And, it enables Democrats, with control of the Senate, to pass any damned thing they want to without fear of filibuster and regardless of what Americans think or want.  It's another cram-down of horrible legislation and an in-your-face, "So what are you going to do about it?"  It's tyrannical arrogance to say the least.  

They all deserve what they are going to get.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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