Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Here's a tidbit from a competing journalist.  Century Foundation fellow Michael Cohen wrote in the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS yesterday to say we're immature due to our anger over Obama's lies about ObamaCare. He contends that a “schizophrenic” public welcomes the radical reforms contained within the Affordable Care Act but selfishly balks at the prospect of breaking a few eggs to achieve this virtuous end.  He alleges that Obama was only telling is what he knew the country wanted to hear, and that he was therefore not really lying and we should not be so uptight. 

He says that America can't handle the truth.  

You know, every day I hear something new and more absurd than I've ever heard in my life up to that point. His position is somewhat akin to saying that the families of dead victims of the sinking of the Titanic shouldn't be upset because they were secretly hoping their relatives would die anyway.  

If I tell you in all earnestness that you have just won $1,000,000 on Publishers Clearing House, but it was really not true, it was not a lie because I was simply saying what you wanted to hear? 

I cannot believe that our colleges and universities are churning out students with such twisted logic.  I'm inclined to think that Cohen never had any senses to take leave of.  He's probably related to Nancy Pelosi. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 
He contends that a “schizophrenic” public welcomes the radical reforms contained within the Affordable Care Act but selfishly balks at the prospect of breaking a few eggs to achieve this virtuous end.
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/2013/11/editorial-attacks-americas-immaturity-anger-obamacares-lies/#SkbVMpUMEIrV3cRx.99
Century Foundation fellow Michael Cohen took to the pages of the New York Daily News on Monday
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/2013/11/editorial-attacks-americas-immaturity-anger-obamacares-lies/#SkbVMpUMEIrV3cRx.99
Century Foundation fellow Michael Cohen took to the pages of the New York Daily News on Monday
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/2013/11/editorial-attacks-americas-immaturity-anger-obamacares-lies/#SkbVMpUMEIrV3cRx.99

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