Monday, July 08, 2013



Just as we were heading for the hills for a prolonged Fourth of July holiday, news seeped out from the Administration that it has decided to delay full implementation of the Affordable Care Care Act, (otherwise known sneeringly as "ObamaCare" and affectionately as "that piece of crap,").  The story they would have us believe is that the Administration, which up to this point had insisted that everything was hunky dory and most certainly "on schedule," was concerned that a major business segment was having problems with the reporting requirements involved; and so, in its infinite wisdom, the administration decided to delay implementation of that portion of the monstrosity to give more time to regulators to clarify and simplify the rules. 

The huffing and puffing from the Republicans started right on queue, insisting that the Administration was worried about the negative effect the mess was going to have on the 2014 elections, when the Democrats plan to retake the House and cram Obama's agendas down our throats.  And, so the stage was set for yet another distraction from the stories of the Benghazi Massacre, IRSGate, DOJGate, EPAGate, NSAGate, and GateGate. 

Now then, I submit that stories oozing out from this Administration rarely, if ever, have all of the details or even what details there are... correct.  It's always like pulling teeth from these manipulating fabricators.  We all know how much overspending and misspending has been going on in every department of the Obama regime.  They've all been on one continuous party ever since Obama took office, buying sex, clowns, suites, booze and miscellaneous sundries and other party favors with our money. 

Since we have a whole, new government boondoggle bureaucracy being created, should we expect that those involved with virtually blank checkbooks and no established internal oversight would do less?  Does the fact that they are already telling Congress that they need more money provide a clue?

I don't know about you, but I'd feel one helluva lot better if we would have an audit of the financial affairs at DHHS, and ObamaCare in particular.  And to counter Barack's inevitable suggestion, no... I don't want Eric Holder and the Department of Justice to conduct the audit.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

P.S.  One side benefit of this latest move is that we haven't heard a peep from Pelosi or Reid in almost a week.   

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