Wednesday, July 10, 2013



There have been innuendos for weeks, stories about copies of the Koran being found in the desert paths across the Mexican border, drawings of bomb components and other such hair-raising tales.  The U.N. is now warning that our border is a conduit for undetected crossings of Asians and Africans as well.  The report identifies the Islamic terrorist haven of Somalia as being one of the nations from which the illegal U.S. bound border-crossers are originating.  Somalia has long served as a passageway from Africa to the Middle East based on its coastal location on the Horn of Africa, just a boat ride away from Yemen. These aspects make Somalia a desirable haven for transnational terrorists, something Al-Qaeda has been trying to capitalize on.  

Setting the illegal Mexican immigration aside for the moment, this news underscores the imminent danger our porous Mexican border poses for our own national security.  We have left ourselves wide open for acts of terror to occur right here in our homeland.  It is absolutely essential that Congress acts now, today, to secure our borders independent from what is or is not going to happen with the situation of amnesty and the illegal Mexicans. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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