Saturday, March 09, 2013


Let me make some things plain as English: 

I will decide what to feed my children; not government;
I will decide when to discuss the subject of sex with my children, not government;
I will decide what doctor to go to, not government;
I will decide if I want to be overweight, not government;
I will decide if I want to suck up a 32 ounce drink, not government;
I will decide what kind of light bulbs to use, not government;
I will decide what kind of commode to install in my house, not government;
I will decide what I want to say and how to say it, not government;
I will decide how many guns to own and how much ammo to buy, not government;
I will decide what employees to hire and how much to pay them, not government;
I will accept responsibility for my own life and will not give my rights of life over to ANY government. 

Sneaking an enemy combatant into this country for the sole purpose of demonstrating to me that the government has the right to violate our laws is not acceptable;
Planning to enact a law to require me to vote or pay a fine or go to jail is not acceptable;
Planning to infringe upon my God-given unalienable rights as guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, is not acceptable;
Lying to me about the facts, covering up the facts and stonewalling investigation into the facts are not acceptable;
Throwing tantrums and “getting even” are not acceptable. 

If I want to cling to my Bible and guns, those are my rights to keep and not the government’s to take way;   
If I want to pray to God on the public land that I and my fellow citizens own, I will do so;
If I want to display the Holy Cross on my car windshield, I’m going to do so;
If I want to put “In God We Trust” on my return mail address, I’ll do that, too. 

And, if our government wants to come and fine me or throw me into prison for doing these things, I will fight and scream until my dying breath. 

I am an American.  Don’t mess with me.   

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION respectfully submitted. 

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