Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Speaking before CPAC on Saturday, Sarah Palin hit the nail firmly and squarely on the head: It's time for the political leaders of this country to get over it... Political power in this country starts at the grass roots and goes up from there; political power does not start at the top and float down.  Further, those at the top have got to quit tip-toeing through the tulips of political correctness and they've got to start exerting true American leadership. 

Without us at the grass roots level, there is no party and no power.  The right to lead is something that is earned and not commanded.  The ability to lead should not be squandered on the innuendos of politics, but should be used to improve our nation and to assure that our government "of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the face of the earth." 

The Republican Party wants to "re-brand" itself.  There's nothing in that statement which talks about getting back to the party grass roots.  All that statement says to me is the the Republicans know they have screwed things up, but they want to continue screwing things up and they simply want to call the screw ups something else.  Until the hierarchy gets over the fact that they are only the instruments of power and that the real power lies with people like you and me, the Republican Party is dead meat.  

We, the people, are desperate for good, strong, fair and responsive leadership.  After 50 years, I left the Republican Party because I could no longer see that kind of leadership in the party and I was sick and tired of the attitude at the top.  The Republicans don't have a monopoly on arrogance, either.  I think they learned it from progressivism and from the Democrats.  Washington is full of half-wits who think that, because they have a government title and a fat paycheck, the power belongs to them.  

It's up to us to set them straight.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted. 

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