Saturday, March 16, 2013


It's a difficult world in this country if you want to know the truth.  The President certainly won't tell it to you.  The liberal press won't tell it to you.  Congress won't tell you the truth.  The ideology of obfuscation, spin and lying has trickled out of Washington to your local and state government.

Just who can you trust?  I defer to Spock: "Trust no one."  

What a sad state of affairs it is when you live in America, land of the free, and you can't trust anyone.  The problem is, everyone has an agenda.  CNN has an agenda and so does Fox.  The closest I've seen so far to telling it like it is is THE BLAZE, but as far as I am concerned the jury is still out on that one.  

So, where do you turn to get the facts? 

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you're going to have to educate yourself as to what is going on in this country.  Get onto the Internet and start asking questions.  When you get an answer, then ask "Why?"  Keep traveling down that "why" road until you reach the end of it and there you are most likely to find the truth. If what you are hearing doesn't make sense, it's most likely a falsehood.  

Do you need to get at the truth?  Absolutely.  This is your country... our country.  We have every right to the facts.  We can't justifiably set foot into a voting booth unless we know the facts; that's how we end up with a Congress that doesn't do its job and a President who we despise.   

Yes, it takes effort.  Is your life, the life and future of your children and grandchildren worth the investment of time and effort?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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