Saturday, March 02, 2013


In a nation born of freedom, liberty and justice with its Bill of Rights tailored around an open and just government, we expect our journalists to have the leeway to report events accurately, to allow us as citizens the luxury of assimilating the information provided and reaching our own conclusions.  World history teaches us that the absence of a free press leads to tyranny or totalitarianism. 

Most of us have suspected, and it is now being confirmed that our media and press at the White House is NOT free to report things in a fair and objective manner.  Bob Woodward, widely remember for his partnership with Carl Bernstein during the reporting of Watergate affairs that brought down the Nixon Presidency, has recently disclosed that the White House has been trying to control what he is writing, particularly with respect to Sequester.  Dr. Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon now famous for “telling it like it is” to Obama during a speech at the National Prayer breakfast, has reported that the White House contacted him at least twice prior to his speech demanding to know what the contents were going to be; he refused.  Helen Thomas, the now retired veteran member of the White House Press Corps, came unglued more than once at Robert Gibbs for his manipulation of the news and other members of the Press Corps.  News came out Friday that the White House orchestrated who would be allowed to ask questions and what those questions would be during his “impromptu” Town Hall Meetings on the campaign trail. 

Is this free, fair and objective reporting?  Yet, members of the Press Corps are well aware of the threat: If they do not do as they are told, they will be removed from the Press Corps and their parent organizations will be severely chastised. 

I came justifiably unglued on this blog yesterday at the criminal audacity of Obama to be releasing criminal aliens from prison when he does not have the legal authority to do so, and when the sole purpose of the release was to punish Arizona and conservatives in general who want spending cuts and immigration control.  He is beyond a doubt trampling on hallowed ground, ground upon which our forefathers gave their blood and lives in pursuit of freedom, liberty, justice and defense of our country. 

It should certainly be clear by now that this President is a tyrant who is seeking to destroy everything we believe in and stand for.  The damage he is doing to our country is incalculable.  He needs to be impeached for his treasonous offenses and removed. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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