Tuesday, March 27, 2012



The Republican hierarchy, bound and determined to thwart the will of the majority of the Republicans in this country, is now trotting out Congressional Members, former Governors and other political hacks ad infinitum with endorsements of Nit Romney for the Republican nomination.  And they have become more vocal with their calls for  Gingrich and Santorum to give up the fight.  

In all of this fancy footwork, they all fail to mention the fact that Romney has only had more than 50% of the vote twice.  In fact, taken on average, 55% to 65% of Americans so far have voted against Mitt Romney and for some other candidate.  Now, the hierarchy proposes to change that statistic by forcing both Gingrich and Santorum to the sidelines, thereby depriving the remaining Republicans who haven't voted of the right to also vote against Romney.  

The Republican Party sucks.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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