Thursday, March 29, 2012



The news coming out of the Supreme Court Hearings into the Constitutionality of ObamaCare has not been particularly friendly to the Democratic Party or to Obama and his White House goons.  In fact, there has been every indication that the Court is looking at canning the entire legislation, not just the individual mandate.  

Predictably, the Obamacrats started to react by mid-day Wednesday, and the reaction was not professional or particularly well-stated in the initial stages.  And, predictably, those starting off the rhetoric were vitriolic, nasty and downright unfriendly.  Dennis Kucinich said, in essence, that if the Supreme Court does overturn ObamaCare, the Democrats will shove the single-payer system right up America's collective rear-ends.  They don't care whether or not the vast majority of Americans are more against a single payer system than ObamaCare, they will pass it.  They'll show us!  Kucinich finished off by saying that the Supreme Court would be "totally out of line." 

And the White House is already gearing up to force another Judge off the bench so they can replace him with a far-left liberal.  Some top-level Democrats suggest that having the Court throw out the legislation will be a good thing for Obama because he'll be able to show how the conservative conspiracy works against the well-being of the country. 

Frankly, I hope they get damned mad and really show their ugly selves for what they are.  They can take their spite, their vinegar and acidic personalities and exit, stage left, in November.  We need to make this our primary objective.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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